In the year 3050, humanity has expanded its frontiers beyond the solar system and established colonies throughout the galaxy. Despite the achievements made, the universe still holds mysteries and wonders to discover. It is in this context that a group of intrepid explorers, known as "The Explorers of the Unknown", embarks on an epic mission to enter the most unexplored regions of space.

The crew, consisting of the daring Captain Aria, the brilliant engineer Rigel, the xenobiology expert Lyra and the loyal android Alpha-7, will face unimaginable challenges and discover civilizations never seen before. Throughout their adventure, they will forge lasting friendships and make revolutionary discoveries that will change the course of history and the destiny of humanity and other species in the universe.

Beyond the Stars - The Odyssey of the Explorers of the Unknown is a thrilling story of bravery, camaraderie and discovery, in which the protagonists unravel the secrets of the cosmos and leave an eternal legacy in the hearts of those who dream of exploring the unknown.